Jerica for Congress Vision- 6th District

Together We Can Vision

Together We Can Vision

Georgia's newest majority black and majority minority district deserves a real vision for its communities. We face some incredible challenges today and many loom in our near future. Without an inclusive vision for investment and growth, the 6th will lose an incredible opportunity to leverage its greatest assets and overcome its most pressing needs. Together we can is more than a slogan. It outlines a pathway by which we must Connect Our Communities to Power, Protect Our Freedoms, and Reinvest in Our Communities. You can learn more about the specific policies and programs that this campaign will champion below!

Connecting Communities to Power

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Protecting Our Freedoms

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Reinvesting in Innovation

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Connecting Communities to Power

Our communities have been disempowered and left out of the conversation. This part of the platform is about activating the power within a community and ensuring access to opportunities to live a more fulfilling life.

Working with local leaders to prioritize investment and foster key partnerships for collaborative federal funding is critical. The relationship between the layers of government are critical to successful change in a community. many times local representatives and community leaders are overlooked and so are their ideas. Connecting to Power requires open channels of engagement and an intentional effort to bring distinct communities together to increase their ability to recieve federal funds and external support.

Some examples listed below are projects that are near and dear to many communities around the 6th district!

  • Post Office Maintenance & Improvements
  • There are currently safety and maintenance issues that plague post offices in the community. Some locations are impacted by more complex issues such as an increased strain on housing availability and by working with local leaders, we can identify strategies to bring improve the area around the locations and ensure that compassion is part of the equation.

  • Special Community and Corridor Plans
  • One of the best ways a community to empower itself and advocate for what it needs is to invest in a strategic master plan. Local officials make these happen, and by incorporating the plans into grant funding strategies, we can collectivly make them happen. There are so many unique communties that make up the 6th distrct and an incredible amount of diverse needs and desires. This is fertile ground for strategic partnerships that can be leveraged for robust, regional, and competitive grant rewards.

  • Chattahoochee Trail Park Vision for the I-20 Corridor
  • Thus far, our locally elected officials and federal levels have been working diligently to support and fund an incredible multi-county trail that will provide enhanced quality of life, economic development, tourism, and more to so many communities. There is still more to plan and bring to the table as several of the initial groundbreakings have started. This pathway can serve to revitalize, strengthen, and give back to entire communities. Let's make sure it does just that!

  • Connecting the Comet
  • Incredible work has been completed in conjunction with the PATH Foundation, Cobb County, and the State of Georgia. There is still more on the horizon to tackle security needs and creating final connections to the Beltline with the City of Atlanta. Bringing additional regional support to foster these negotiations, funding strategies, and strategic plans (infrastructure, placemaking, economic development) can go a long way.

  • Business Facade Improvement Grants
  • Driving around the ditrict and speaking to those that live in our varied comunities, we have entire corridors where businesses would like facelifts and support. There are a lot of closing shops and that becomes an indicator for economic downturns. By providing these types of improvements, the local and federal levels of government can achieve community improvements while also curbing gentrification.

  • Industrial Corridor Revitalization
  • In keeping with master plans, there are many industrial corridors throughout the 6th district that are ripe for investment and improvements. In working with local elected's and those looking to move operations to the state, we can start to bring more green jobs and R&D facilities to utilize these spaces in a way that will be economically beneficial to many groups.

  • Social Impact Innovation Center & Financial Literacy Programs
  • There is a vision to provide a collaborative space for non profits committed to delivering real services to the community. The Social Impact Innovation Center is a great way to align and channel passion and outreach efforts occuring throughout the district. Many of these groups have been focused on food insecurity, housing insecurity, family support, and mental health needs. Providing a space for them to store, collaborate, distribute, and inspire will do much for the district.

  • Arts Community Grants and Museum Installations
  • There are several arts communities throughout the district that can be supported through bringing community groups and federal funds and agencies to the table.

  • Creating the Congressional Cabinet
  • One of the accomplishments I am most proud of was the creation of the Commission Community Cabinet. This is a cabinet comprised of local, passionate leaders who work with communities and community groups to help promote and advocate for needs witht he full support of the office. We will be

  • Supporting ADA enhancement Plans
  • Many jurisdictions have already conducted studies on optimizing ADA accommodations in public infrastructure. This is to help those communities fund construction to put those plans into action.

As a nation, families experience a multitude of issues on any given day. Many times, there are already programs in place to tend to the more unepected and complicated ones. Unfortunately, the need and the help don't always line up. Sometimes, the program is underfunded. Sometimes the calculations are not up to date. Sometimes, there is a lack of awareness that the program exists. Part of representation is more than just creating new things. It is also about optimizing what is already in place.

Below are some examples of initiatives that will serve to ensure dollars flow where they need to flow.

  • Updating food stamp requirements by factoring area cost of living
  • Families are having to fill in the gaps because inflation well outpaces the cost of living in each state. Part of this includes increasing the threshold by which applicants can still qualify to receive these benefits.

  • Working with the state government to modify sales tax for product exemptions
  • Sales taxes are regressive in nature, meaning they affect the most economically vulnerable of our community. To curb the impact, the goal is to create opt-in exemption classes for local jurisdictions to remove certain product types from any sales tax.

  • Improving access to Veteran's benefits by updating Cost of living adjustments
  • Many of the benefits programs offered are still plagued with descrepancies for those receiving benefits that result in more financial hurdles for those living in rural areas.

  • Hosting community fairs for better visibility of programs
  • Many challenges that communities face already have programs and federal funds that attempt to provide some assistance. By connecting needs to reosurces though community fairs and clinics, we can work with local jurisdictions to provide relief and ensure dollars get to those that need them the most.

  • Establishing an outreach office to offer liaisons and case management for getting needs met
  • Many times, constituents reach out, but are not able to keep track of where their request is. We will be establishing aa portal within our office and dedicate staff members to make sure that everyone satys in the loop on request status and can receive guidance where appropriate.

  • Working with the state to update maximums for magistrate court to expand access for small claims in civil matters
  • Small claims courts are available at practically no cost or reimbursable costs which makes them viable avenues for those lacking resources to advocate for their rights. By expanding these limits, these courts can be used to offer appropriate mediation options for those experiencing discrimination. Today, the threshold is too high and representation is not guaranteed in civil matters.

  • Working with locales to formalize resource databases
  • Non-profits serve our communities in big ways, but many times those reosurces are underutilized. By supporting national and state-wide databased to compile these resources backed with case management, we can ensure that these resources are actually being used.

  • Providing a report for resource allocation in the 6th district to understand disparities and opportunities
  • By working with our agencies and organizations, we can better understand what unmet needs are present in the community and help to chart pathways for systemic change and advocate more specifically for investment.

  • Ensuring small businesses and residents are provided with ample knowledge about their community and local government programs
  • People and businesses want to actively be engaged in their communities, but aren't always privy to the opporutnities to be involved or even where to go. This effort would include the deliberate consolidation of easy to find benefits for living, working, or playing in a community via an app and coordinated community outreach efforts.

I have come to believe that most people desire three things in their lives - safety, stability, and a chance to live a life of significance. Inclusion plays an incredible role in accomplishing that. We find that the term "DEI" has been raised in both popularity and infamy, and my personal approach to DEI is to treat it as a verb - specifically "Discuss, Empower, and Invest". These are the actions we take to truly become a safer community. Without having everyone at the table, you cannot have the right conversations, listen, or ask the right questions. If people are not informed on their rights or educated on how proceeses and decisions are made, they cannot be empowered. If no investment follows the robust conversations, then no change will be made.

As for safety, families face a wide variety of challenges to their saftey and well-being. Achieving saftey requires a healthy mix of preparation, justice, and rehabilitation.

Below is what I am advocating:

  • Investing in ADA infrastructure and employment programs for persons with disabilities
  • Many members of our persons with disabilities community are highly education and capable in other ways, yet they face extraordinarily high unemployment rates and minimal outreach efforts. By working with local jurisdcitions, we can reach large populations to ensure we are inclusive and thoughtful so that everyone has a chance to particiapte in their own well-being and contribute to society.

  • Gun Safety Initiatives - Smart Storage Programs and Accountability
  • As a commissioner, we have worked with several gorups to look at integrated gun safety techniques for families in the home. This is also includes looking at ways to hold accountable those that are irresponsible with their weapons. This also includes federal laws that help to close loopholes and advocating for Red-Flag Laws, Universal Background Checks, May-Issue Laws, Violent Misdemeanor Laws, and Early Gun Safety Training.

  • Grants for safety technologies (gunshot detection and real time crime centers)
  • Many jurisdctions are looking to incorprate these technologies in public facilities to help with providing a prompt emergency response for those present on the gorund, emergency personnel, and law enforcement. Supporting these initiatives through safe community grants is a key way for us to minimize the damage and hopefully prevent a tragedy. It is also important that we incorporate additional mental health resources for those that experience something this traumatic.

  • Creation of Emergency Relief Corps leveraging mobile and beacon technologies
  • Red Cross and Emergency Departments in every jurisdiction work with volunteers to help administer relief. This initiative involves leveraging technology to let certified volunteers near an emergency to quickly offer up help through a distress signal. Proper safety precautions are incorporated into these programs as well.

  • Work with local Emergency and Public Safety Agencies to enhance recuritment opportunities and integration into the community
  • For many reasons, nationally, we are experiencing a loss of interest in serving in a public safety capacity. We can increase the pool of interest by expanding benefits for personnel in these career paths.

  • Supporting members of transgender community and their supproting families with access to healthcare and full access to rights
  • Members of the transgender community face many challenges due to misconceptions about societal "gender" definitons vs biological "sex" definitions and the impacts of medical transition. This societal confusion has placed the transgender community into the cross-fire of discrimination and descrepancies across core quality of life areas. I am in support of iniitatives that help with transition and accommodations and the families that do what they can to manage the mental health and well-being of their children.

  • Suppporting Immigrant Communities and non-English speaking communities
  • The new 6th District has a high concentration of immigrant and non-English speaking communities that many times suffer the risk of gentrification , lack of access or connection to their local governing authorities and rights, and service disparities. Support can be provided through strategic community improvement initatives, helping to connect with grant and RFP programs, and supporting language centers to help with acculturation.

  • Inter-faith and cultural outreach programs
  • Freedom of religion is a core right in our Constitution. TO appreciate this further, it's important that events and efforts used to help educate members of the community about different cultures and religions will help to reduce discriminatory practices and reduce the spread of misinformation.

  • Public Safety and Community Policing Initiatives
  • Expanding funding for additional resources to extend and collaborate within police departments will help with tending to the needs of those in a mental health crisis, addiction-oriented incident, domestic violence situations, and homeless circumstances.

Real change cannot happen when trust is broken. I am committed to frequent dialogue because I believe it takes a two-way street to make sure that the policies we fight for truly represent the community, and the community is empowered with relevent and robust information to offer up suggestions and collaboration.

Examples to improve transparency include:

  • Open Calendar
  • During my run for the Cobb Commission, I created a method by which constituents could quickly get in contact with me and the office to discuss any and all issues. This continued during my term and will continue going forward. It removes the red tape from trying to reach your representative or find a resolution for something important.

  • Collaborative Town Halls and Quarterly Reports
  • Town halls are two-way events where constituents are able to discuss specific and complex topics with partners in the room while also receiving an update on progress in change. Quarterly reports happen quarterly in conjunction with partners and serve as a detailed update on progress and goals.

  • Priorities Tour
  • An annual opportunity for all constituents and organziations to share their interests and goals for the term. These are showcased and updated annually.

  • Internships
  • Office and temporary internships are currently offered in my office, and this will continue as well. Community, capstone, and office internships are avaialble and are used to empower members of the community to both educate and facilitate policy and program ideas.

  • Frequent Legislative Updates
  • Bills are always coming through the US House, and it can be cumbersome and difficult to follow the ins and outs of what is being negotiated. A legislative update will occur daily during session to provide a briefing of what to expect for the day. These briefings will be compiled for easy access and review for quarterly reports.

  • Bi-weekly Huddles
  • These are virtual meetings that occur every other week (twice/week) and serve as an avenue for anyone in the community to hop in and discuss policies, efforts, and issues in the community. Issue topics can be requested in advance as well.

  • Progress Reports and Dashboards for Monitoring Success
  • While quarterly reports occur quarterly, the progress report is updated in real time and shows our progress towards completing community and legislative goals.

Protecting Our Freedoms

From the national security at our borders to our ballot boxes to our bodies to the information we put into our own minds, our freedoms are constantly under attack. This Nation was founded on liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must do what we can to protect our freedoms as we fight for others!

In a world becoming more global and digitally connected, pressure is put on our systems and our individual data privacy is constantly at risk. There is a great impact for cyberterrorism, fraud, and misinformation when our systems arn't held to a higher standard. These deficiencies weaponize our data against us and our society. As the industry continues to change, there is much we can do to foster improved information access and protect individual data. THis has becmome increasingly a concern as AI has become more integrated into society.

Some examples of efforts to curb the impact include:

  • Cybersecurity enhancement tax incentives
  • Cyber warfare has increasingly become threat number one and everyone has a role in protecting our most critical assets - property and data. There are many guidelines provided by several agencies that I will advocate to compile into a National Security tax incentive.

  • Cybersecurity guidance for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Some cybersecurity measures cost a lot for companies to take on, and further encourage the proliferation of industry monopolies. The goal is to create guidance and SBA grants for small business to adopt these measures so that they qualify for benefits associated with incorporating these cybersecure measures.

  • Improved clarity on NIST standards
  • NIST guidelines are technically comprehensive, however, many companies and assessment firms struggle with the clarity needed to understand the use cases associated with the standards. To better assist organizations in their cybersecurity journey, the goal is to provide additional context for what is sought to be prevented so that orgnizations are empowered to innovate beyond the standards in protecting their data and their assets.

  • Civic education task force
  • Locally, we will collaborate with organizations to provide more civic education opportunities and prepare constituents on the best approach this information age and differentiate between fact, opinion, and other tools of persuasion.

  • Consumer protection agency transaction data and personal data protection
  • We have a fraud epidemic plaguing our service indistry in merchnt transactions that tend to impact small businesses disproportionately. The goal is to expand data protection rights and make available a new Transaction Standard program that can be applied to digital currency transaction company profiles to provide small businesses with peace of mind.

  • Book rating system and information protection act to prevent the banning of books and empower consumers
  • Book banning is a practice that leads to tynranny of information. Lately, the conversation has cropped up around how parents can be empowered with awareness of what their children are exposed to. One proposal is to create a rating system akin to the music rating system that parents can reference for awareness. This is a worthwhile conversation, but it cannot lead to censorship which is the banning of books from bookshelves.

I absolutely stand by a woman's right to choose and believe that abortion is a healthcare procedure, and that medical procedures should be available to individuals. Many situations may land someone in the position where a the procedure is both necessary and stressful. I also believe in reducing the number of unwanted pregancies in our nation and enhanced family planning options.

To support this, I will actively advocate for the following:

  • Codification of Abortion Rights in Our Laws
  • Support legislation that restores the rights lost in the overturning of Roe v Wade.

  • Improving access to healthcare in Communities
  • Support for certified mobile clinics, and organizations that put on clinics. This also includes healthcare literacy programs and diagnostic or screening clinics. Specifically, this includes working with curriculum designed for communities from some of our local colleges and universities.

  • Operational efficiencies & staff support in DFACS and CPS services
  • Advocate and support for the recommendations that came out of the Georgia Senate Foster Care & Adoption Study Committee. This includes: Permanency, State ID cards, case manager retention, legitimation, expand inflant and toddler courts, foster and adoptive parent retention, adjust adoption assisstance rates.

  • Adjustments for WIC to meet inflation
  • Families are having to fill in the gaps because inflation well outpaces the cost of living in each state. Part of this includes increasing the threshold by which applicants can still qualify to receive these benefits.

  • Expanded services to reduce domestic violence and increase options for victims
  • Expand mental health options for survivors of domestic violence and housing options for safety

  • Expand addiction services programs
  • Increase funding for addiction services, and education for afflicted individuals.

  • Expand access to contraceptive technologies, reproductive education, and expanding adoption education and incentives
  • Ensure all family planning resources are easy to find, understand, and conduct feminine product drives and program subsidies.

  • Expand resources for parents, families, and guardians
  • Provide easy guides for families to identify where to access resources, financial planning, family planning, healthcare and other services to support their journey. Guides can be distributed through medical and government offices.

Our international relations are in a precarious position, and this is not an issue that has transpired overnight. A series of policy decisions over the last 50 years are what brings us to the challenges we see today. As a nation, we are committed to democracies across the world and offer up support for those nations that subscribe to those standards (however imperfect we may exist). This has been a cornerstone to many of our international organizations, and I do support our posiiton in this way. Additionally, I do believe it is important that we honor any committments (financially and otherwise), but that there are sincere considerations that must be taken to evaluate such investments of human, ammunition, and monetary sharing. We must first seek diplomacy and a pathway to reduce the chances for humanitarian crises for growing beyond the scale and scope of what is appropriate. In our ongoing conflicts, we have before us several opportunities for diplomatic resolutions.

The border crisis is another complex issue that impacts many of our communities

Below is where I support our position and influence:

  • Ukranian support and fortification of the boundaries through alliances
  • Support honoring the treaty with Israel
  • Support diplomatic resolution in the Middle East by ceasing the settlements and encroachment
  • Leveraging trade route negotiations for shared economic prosperity for the region by including West Bank and Gaza
  • Creating more opportunities for transferring credentials within the healthcare industry
  • Support for DACA
  • Creation of a tax visa for both Canadian and Mexican borders for better trade
  • Crackdown on fentanyl circulation
  • Funding for immmigration courts and resources to reduce backlog
  • Partnering with placement agencies for better guidance through immigration system
  • Expansion of Resources for the Brazilian Consulate in Georgia
  • Increase trade opportunties with North American Countries to improve economic stability
  • Expand access for military academy recruitment

As proud as I am of our judicial system, we still have more reform that is necessary for us to finally arrive at the true meaning of Equal Protection Under the Law.

Opportunities for us to achieve this feat include:

  • Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment with State Coalitions
  • Most priviliges (e.g. ownership of property) enjoyed by women ar eonly supported through case law, which can be overturned. The Equal Protection clause in the constitution, when adopted, did not include women in its definiton, and therefor does not extend to women but through interpretaive case law. The battle to ratify ERA is fraught with concern that its passage would limit some of the benefits women enjoy due to discimination (e.g. childcare). However, passage of the ERA would allow for all members of society to enjoy the same rights, not just privilges. I support advocating for this to be ratified by our states so that we can finally close the chapter of discrimination on the basis of sex in our highest form of law.

  • Passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
  • Since 1965, the Voting RIghts Act has been challenged and sections have been struck down. The John Lews Voting Rights Act is an oppotunity to update and restore the provision that help to protect the enforcement of the 15th Amendment. I fully support this act.

  • Expand access to representation for civil matters
  • Advocate for porvision to guarantee right for representation in civil matters. Small claims courts are available at practically no cost or reimbursable costs which makes them viable avenues for those lacking resources to advocate for their rights. By expanding these limits, these courts can be used to offer appropriate mediation options for those experiencing discrimination. Today, the threshold is too high and representation is not guaranteed in civil matters.

  • Increase magistrate court financial civil caps to provide a pathway for protection from discrimination
  • Small claims courts are available at practically no cost or reimbursable costs which makes them viable avenues for those lacking resources to advocate for their rights. By expanding these limits, these courts can be used to offer appropriate mediation options for those experiencing discrimination. Today, the threshold is too high and representation is not guaranteed in civil matters.

  • Support additional measures that properly define illegal actions by the executive branch.
  • The debate rages on about what is considere criminal activity when insitgated by the President of the United States. It opens the opportunity for individuals to exist above the law when not properly defined. There is interest in futhering conversations that define what could be considered criminal activities for example, activity that violates the Geneva Convention's rules of warfare that are use in determining War Crimes.

  • Support the adoption of judicial court procedres where backlog has been cleared
  • uncleared backlogs means that individuals are incarcerated much longer than they shoudl be if innocent. The goal is to reduce the backlog by supporting the implementation of technologies and support to help reduce the backlog.

  • Decriminalization of marijuana use
  • Incarceration for marijuana use has disproportionately affected vulnerable groups, and has not been proven to contribute to secondary criminal activity. I am a supporter of future legalization after additional research has been completed that is not reliant on the 1980s War on Drugs. It was introduced as a drug for political and economic reasons that was void of scientific study/research.

  • Expand awareness of 2nd chance desk
  • Local jurisdictions do a great job providing this service, and through collaboration, we can increase access and frequency of community events for record expungement. members of our community can get a second chance in accessing their rights.

  • Funding for restorative justice grants for courts offering 1st offender, training, and career development opportunities
  • Many judges offer these types of programs, but they unfortunately are not funded to allow for robust implementation and follow through. Working with local judges and organizations to expamd funding options are important to support these restorative justice initiatives.

  • Support expansion of rehabilitation resources for Veterans in County jails
  • One of our successful programs was to create a Veterans pod inside of the countyr jail to help make sure that Veterans were close to rehabilitative resources. Working with County DAs and Sheriff's Offices to identify opportunities to help with restorative justice initatives.

  • Support mental health and transitional opportunties for incarcerated members.
  • Helping local officials provide these services will help with restorative justice initiatives.

  • Supplemental payment programs for parolees to assist with reintroduction to society.
  • The fines can be one of the hardest parts of getting back onto your feet once out of jail. Working with local officials to create reintroduction programs for family reunification, employement, and more will help expand local restorative justice initiatives.

Reinvesting in Our Innovation

Many communities across the Southeast have struggled with transformational growth since Reconstruction Era - a time when vast amounts of reinvestment were turned down. Today, we have the opportunity to reignite our resilience behind a vision that will breathe fresh life into our communities, the State and the region. These issues are complex and generational. During our first term, our community will continue to lay the foundation for systemic change.

Families all around the 6th ditrict are hurting in a multude of ways. Most of these struggles stem from feeling left out of the economy. Cost of living inflation, wage deflation, housing supply crisis, resource monopolization, international instability, changing industry landscape, generational transitions, ballooning student loans, rising interest rates, and more have all contributed to the feeling of uncertainty despite the strong economic indicators- Unemployment rates are lower, income is higher, and the market is performing with strength. More money is in circulation through multiple stimulus packages across two presidential terms, and community programs have been invested in across the nation at historic rates. So, the question is how can these realities be reconciled and what changes can be made?

Below are some initiative to tackle making sure people feel access to this economy and regain confidence in being able to provide for their families.

  • Support expanding family tax credits
  • I support initiatves to expand tax credits to families.

  • Support President Biden's recommendations for Housing and Urban Development programs.
  • President Biden released a plan that seeks to expand the Low income family tax credit, creates a neighborhood home tax credit, grants for local jurisdictions to build innovative housing projects, increases bank's contributions towards affordable housing funds and loans, public housing renovation and rehabilitation, project based rental assistance for very low income families, increases HUD funds for affordable housing development, supports affordable housing in rural areas, provision/extension of the homeowner's assistance fund, mortgage payment relief, incentives for starter home development, first generation home ownership assistance program, universal housing vouchers, renter's bill of rights draft, voucher guarantee for low income veterans, housing vouchers for transition from foster care, HCV program support, funds for shelters and emergency housing, and housing stability grants for seniors.

  • Implementation of expanded local and state powers to create "Rent to Own" Land Banks to be sold porperties for market exchange
  • A modified version of the land bank that can acquire houses through property being sold directly, and can be resold and financed as a rent to own property at lower interests rates for lower income residents.

  • Retirement Options Requirement in the Gig Economy
  • Legislation to require gig economy oriented careers to offer retirement options to employees (e.g. 401K).

  • Funding allocation and Coalitions for the Georgia Backbone
  • The Georgia Backbone Project is really about the next 50–100 years of Georgia’s economic status in the nation. It’s about affordable housing, economic opportunity, and mobility. They are all connected, and we have the opportunity to lead the charge in a significant way that could rival the impact of Hartsfield-Jackson to the Greater Metro Atlanta area. It includes a Transit Corridor stretching across the Southest along the western border of Georgia and splitting around Warner Robins. The goal is to provide Military Base Connectivity (Dobbins and Robins), Communication Nodes, Cargo & Passenger options, and Freight Relief. The goal is to reduce concentrated demand for housing supply, improve access to economic centers, accelerate development of corridors with live, work, play options (healthcare, housing, parkspace, entertainment, schooling), interstate connectivity, improved disaster recovery, and support for local conveyance and infrastructure systems.

  • Anti-Gentrification Measures
  • Measures to help curb gentrification when redevloping include community building, injection of community resources, connecting members for the community to power structures, and ensuring that local businesses are able to keep money flowing inside the community. Working with our communities collaboratively with partners to create these opportunities is a priority.

  • Workforce Development Program "Bridge to Success"
  • A program to help end generational poverty by providing employment-based aid to get back on track. This program is done in conjunction with corproate partners and federal Workforce Opportunity and Innovation Grants.

  • Support reformation in definition of monopolies and anti-trust legislation
  • Monopolies decrease the available competition and innovation in a community and can contribute greatly to the increase in inflation.

  • Support unions and collaborate to innovate on role in Gig Economy and Contractor Economy
  • The economy and employment continues to change. The goal of this effort is to identify ways for unions to help protect workers in the new economy.

  • Open new trade opportunities to improve supply chain options
  • Foster new international trade missions with interested countries.

  • Adjust federal social welfare programs for inflation and include a trigger clause for future changes to apply.
  • Inflation should be calculated as a part of all budget cycles to ensure that the need is realized as the economic relaities are fluid and the true cost of programs are not always understood.

  • Support tax cuts for the middle class
  • Will support any measure that increases tax cuts for small businesses, middle and low income classes.

  • Offer homestead cost of living state by state adjustments for veterans, disability, and social welfare benefits
  • Indidivals can register one location to have their benefits calculated against for cost of living adjustments, and meet the corresponding program requirements.

  • Recruiting Green technology companies to the 6th District
  • Our industrial corridors are ripe for redvelopment and new life in businesses. Green technology and R&D compacies come with high paying jobs that vary in skill and experience requirements. This can provide new opportunities to revitalize the commmunity.

  • Support financial literacy programs and establish the Cobb-Douglas Discovery Center.
  • A location for corporate collbaoration on financial literacy in the community.

  • Development of major corridors and tourism in the 6th District
  • Working with lcoal governments to identify tourism corridors and support investments to develop the areas and advocate for special tax incentives.

  • Expand income and payroll tax credits and incentives for use of mental health resources and employer-based mental health benefits
  • An effort to incentivize the provision of mental health benefits for employees.

  • Expand income and payroll tax credits and incentives for offering daycare and childcare benefits
  • Childcare is in high demand and exhorbitantly high for families. Employers who subsidize or provide the service directly can be given incentives for doing so.

  • Student Loan Repayment Option "One at a Time"
  • A program coordinated with banks that allow loan recipients to better plan and assign payments to loans, increase discretionary income, and prevent loan default crises.

  • Advocate for "Renter's Bill of Rights" through Federal and State Legislature
  • A draft of this is set to be expanded on in the State of Gerogia to provide renters with additional pathwyay of recourse for livable and affordable housing. This also includes provisions to prevent discrimnation on accepting vouchers as payment for entities that receive government subsidies.

  • Invest in community libraries to be leverages as economic development centers
  • A model for libraries that incorporates field education, talent development, business development and employment opportunties as needed by the surrounding communities. The model is supported through corporate and local funding.

  • Create employment grants for mid-sized companies to transition from startup to sustaintable
  • Many companies start, but struggle to make their first hire. The goal of this is oto increase the provision of progras and funding to help companies make that jump into employers.

Healthcare is the leading casue of bankruptcy in our nation, and desite the exhorbitant costs, we have so many challenges to confront and solve - especially in the 6th district. Some of these isses include - access to healthcare, quality of healthcare, healthcare disparities, healthcare deserts, reduction in available professional medical personnel in the indutry, inflated service costs to accommodate a lack of subsidies in insurance, lack of preventive health options, monopolization of insurance options, lack of incentive to serve larger populations, and an international communtiy dependent on our R&D capabilities incentivizing Big Pharma's need to recoup on 20+ years of investment strategies.

  • Support expansion of medicaid in the State of Georgia through advocacy
  • Support for concierge models allowing doctors offices to increase competition for point of service payment and reimbursements plans
  • Market-driven healthcare solutions
  • Support for certificate of need analysis to incorporate into tax incentives
  • Reformation of requirements and inentives for trained immigrants to transfer to the States
  • Introduction of the Patient Advocacy Hotline (PAHL) program to reduce healthcare disparities in real time at all medical facilities and assisted living arrangments.
  • Individual and commercial Grants for use of technologies for telemedicine, real-time patient monitoring, and assisted living purchases and renovations
  • Bankruptcy due to healthcare options
  • Healthcare and healthcare financial literacy programs to be administered through medical offices and employment onboarding
  • Expand income and payroll tax credits and incentives for use of mental health resources and employer-based mental health benefits

We have an obligation to take care of our finite and limited resources, to conserve and preserve what we have for future generations, and think progressively about the strain on our infrastructre throughout the community. I am absolutely committed to moving the needle in this area in creating communities that can withstand future environmental pressures, and also in helping curb the tide of those same pressures.

To accomplish this, I support the following:

  • Support the creation and advocacy of Environmental Justice Initiatives
  • Expand infrastructure invetsment strategies to systemic approaches outside of public property domain
  • Provide local loan and grant programs for infrastructure inventory management systems
  • Support expaning disaster recovery funds and extending authority to local jurisdictions for localized disasters
  • Support "Big Research" grants in sustainability R&D
  • Increase and advocate for federal and state tax incentives for sustainable practices.
  • Work with communities to compete and receive funds to support community initiatives (gardens, etc)
  • Funding for farmer's markets
  • Support Sustainability Awareness Initiatives
  • Work with trade and consular partners to exchange ideas, resources, and expectations
  • Advocate with State of Georgia to expand Department of Public Health inspections to include housing
  • Expand research in medical sterilization procedures to help with improving air quality in 6th District plants
  • Expand on high hazard zoning precautions and standards for plants with highly flammable and/or combustible elements and compounds
  • Support technologies that offer real time water and air quality information to residents

Education is the most critical measure of a community's chances for success. It is also the measure of a strong and last democracy that is competitive across the globe. Our Republic depends on whther or not we are providing adequate focus on ensuring that our next generation is prepared for the challenges that they will face in the future and can serve as leaders in both mastery of a multitude of practices and ingenuity in the unknown.

Below are initiatives I support to help us move the educational needle.

  • Increased national funding through incentivized standards
  • Building a coalition of the states to adopt common education strategies
  • Advocate for increased public education funding in the State of Georgia and update of the QBR
  • Provide updated national guidelines for state funding equations
  • Advocate for greater inclusion of arts and music into curccicula through community partnerships
  • National advocate for phonics-based reading strategies
  • Support for increasing teacher pay and improving Cost of Living benefits
  • Recalibrate ranking and analysis for schools with high transience
  • Work with communities to help establish funding and stability opportunties for schools with high transience
  • Re-initiate opportunity-zones with new development incentive standards and benefits which include income-based housing to reduce transience